" Psychological obstacles often impede the unemployed from finding work...
Unemployment has been linked to lower levels of mental health, Two factors specifically documented are depression (Feather and Barber, 1983; Graetz, 1993; Morrell, Taylor, Quine, Kerr & Western, 1994) and self-esteem (Crowther, Marshall, Bond, & Huxley, 2001; Feather, 1975; Hale, Fielder, & Cochran, 1992).
Feather and Barber (1983) discuss depression as a reaction to unemployment. They note that depression as a result of external factors is typically transient and situation-bound. In the context of long episodes or repeated periods of unemployment however, the depression could potentially develop into a more generalised form."
Tara Coppins and Denise Skinner - University of South Australia
Thank God for painting - it's so liberating - who needs a job?Stefan Maguran - 12 June 2009