First, because I should hide my age.
I say, it's time to grow up, go back to finish your basic education. learn some good old respect for the elderly, then come back and let's talk again. If at your age you don't value experience, wait until you get there and don't be surprised if people treat you like trash. I hope we're clear on this front.
And don't try to give me the crap about not being able to learn and adapt or being too slow at my age. Like you, I am on Facebook and Twitter and watch Scrubs, but unlike you, I can also program any remote controlled devices. As you have already proven, you still struggle with spelling "Principal" (Read your recent ad: "Principle Engineer required, bla, bla")
Second, to hide my artistic endeavours.
Well, I've got some news for you. If a potential employer is so dumb that she/he cannot understand that while unemployed I painted about 400 paintings, learned how to paint, draw, and sculpt and organised a festival, which shows my enthusiasm, energy, time and people management skills, and, of course some artistic talent, which indicates a higher degree of usage of my available brain, then I don't believe I would want a job with that employer.
So, pull out your head from your little (and I might add, cute) ass, and grow up. It's for your own good.